Webinar: The Role of Telehealth in Mental Health Care during COVID-19
16 February 2021
Craig A. DeLarge, MBA, CPC - Digital Healthcare Strategist & Intrapreneur; Founder, The Digital Mental Health Project, USA
Edith Kwobah, MBChB, MMed - Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya
Atsu Latey, MBChB - CEO, MindIT GH, Ghana
MentalTech Plays focused on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC):
>> Mental Health Innovation Network Africa, database of mental health programs in Africa
Blog posts on mental health program acculturation:
>> Blog on Digital Health Formularies, which are increasingly used to make sense of the growing digital mental health space (at least in the West) with development potential for the Global South & East
>> StressTech Literacy Program to aid the adoption of digitaltech to build resilience