Media Coverage of Child Mental Health in Africa
26 September 2019
Featuring Dr. Anusha Lachman
Some 250 million children under five (43%) in low to middle income countries are at a higher risk of not achieving their full potential due to extreme poverty and not receiving nurturing care. Although an increasing number of children in developing countries are surviving beyond birth, they start life at a major disadvantage because of multiple adversities in their early, formative years, says Dr. Anusha Lachman, the South African representative of the African Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (AACAMH). The combination of poverty, poor health and nutrition, leading to difficulties in learning and academic performance, not only affects the child’s future earning potential, but also contributes to transferring poverty to the next generation.
Cape Talk: Tonight with Lester Kiewet, 19 September 2019
'Poor kids lose more in life' with guest Dr. Anusha Lachman
Voice of the Cape: Drivetime, 19 September 2019
'Bleak future for African children' with Dr. Anusha Lachman
Smile 90.4FM, 26 September 2019
'The Honest Truth: Africa’s children born in poverty lose 25% of future earnings'